Call for Abstracts: Statistical-Dynamical Models for Hydroclimatic Risk Management and Adaptation

We invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU21 session convened by Drs. James Doss-Gollin, Scott Steinschneider, Julianne Quinn, and Sudarshana Mukhopadhyay.


June 24, 2021

The session is listed in Hydrology, Natural Hazards, Global Environmental Change, and Atmospheric Sciences. Here’s the description:

Decision-making for climate adaptation relies on projections of hydroclimate variables at a range of interconnected spatial and temporal scales. Many simulation and optimization frameworks rely on such projections as an input to system models, and so analysts must balance a desire for large ensembles to explore risk and grounding in physical principles for credible out-of-sample simulation against computational cost and interpretability. We welcome submissions related to the development and validation of statistical-dynamical models of hydroclimate variables, as well as their applications to infrastructure design, operation, and hazard assessment. Submissions related to weather and streamflow generators, emulators of sea level and storm surge, weather downscaling methods, and optimal sampling of design events are particularly encouraged.