
Open source teaching materials

I strive to create high-quality open-source materials for my courses. Texts are usually available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license, so you may share and adapt them provided you provide credit and also license your derivative work under the same terms.

For questions about these materials, please raise an Issue on the relevant GitHub repository (preferred) or contact me by email.

Course offerings

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All information on this page is preliminary; please see official course listings at courses.rice.edu.

Semester Year Course Number Title
Fall 2024 CEVE 101 Fundamentals of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Spring 2024 CEVE 421/521 Climate Risk Management
Fall 2023 CEVE 543 Environmental Data Science
Spring 2023 CEVE 421/521 Climate Risk Management
Spring 2022 CEVE 543 Environmental Data Science
Fall 2021 CEVE 101 Fundamentals of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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